Tuesday, October 17, 2006


All you United fans who said Van Nistelhoff wasn't a diver...

I miss him in the premiership tho, along with Paul Parker he was great. Tho there are some amazing arsenal greats of seasons gone by which I will remember forever. Apart from the obvious Anders Limpar and John Hartson (harsh), I'll never forget the formidable back 4 of Bould, Adams, Winterburn and Dixon. For what felt like 20 years they were rated as the best defence in the league. And, they were 100% english! What's better is that when Bouldy retired at the age of 54, Norn Iron regular Stevie Morrow was drafted in, complete with dodgy tache.

Still think Le Bob Pires was a worse diver than this performing seal?


At 10:54 PM, November 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

get a new post up here you lazy fecker

At 11:56 AM, November 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would if i could... but something to do with blogger beta, lost password long story very boring.

new blog at

and check out reedstar blog from our site.



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