Monday, August 07, 2006

Uganda '06

Well, I'm a week back from Uganda, with a dose of the scoots and a broken toe. The trip was an amazingly fulfilling experience, however I left feeling I had more to give. So in a way it's reassuring to know that this trip didn't come to an end of sorts, it just took a break. Hope to be back someday soon to reunite with brothers and sisters in Christ.

This pic is outside their church, it was so packed there were kids who could not get in. If only the kids back home had the same passion for God's word. In fact, sometimes I wish I had that passion. If I wasn't guaranteed a seat in church at home would I happily stand? Or would I turn and go home? I wonder.

I'm still gathering my thoughts on the whole trip, but i know for a fact that there is something big going to happen in Jandira. With or without Emmanuel. With or without Team 1 and Team 2. With Pastor Richard. With God.


At 3:38 PM, August 07, 2006, Blogger J-Mac said...

Amen to that mate! Well done in church last got the crowd going with your dead-pan humour.

At 8:00 PM, August 07, 2006, Blogger Zico said...

cheers bro. tho i can't rightly remember what i said, tho you owe me for mentioning the 40+ death runs.


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