So, Bebo is gone, still, and I'm coping ok. But I've been busy this week maybe that's why. People keep talking about it, but I choose to ignore them, a bit like when Gayle's great uncle Joe or Jehovah's Witnesses come to the door. Although none have visited since I got married, either that or Waringstown is their target for the next 10 years.
I'm waffling. I went to see Snow Patrol @ T Vital in Botanic on Wednesday night there, and to be honest I wasn't too impressed. For a band who've released 4 albums and to play nothing but the most recent 2 was more than disappointing. But then again what do you expect when they're playing to a crowd of people who are just there cos they've just bought a house in Belfast and fancy getting wrecked, paying £7.50 for a burger meal and pissing up the side of portaloos instead of in them. But anyway, I was there for Oceansize. Great band from across the water (that's England), who are very loud on CD, and even louder live. The wife didn't enjoy it too much, but I did. It's in my I'm listening to, so check it out on Amazon or summat.
Anyway, then came Thursday, and my matey John Boy 'the drummer' McMullen and Rob 'the robber' Freeburn headed down to Marlay Park to catch some Beck and Radiohead. Beck were absolutely awesome and have since placed a number of bids for a few cds on my beloved eBay. They were also playing at V Festival at the weekend and I'm informed by Rabert they were great there too. I was under the impression they were a rock band, but they play everything from blues/country/folk to the soul, funk and hip-hop! Tho I've heard they're a bit wierd on the ole religion front but I'll have to check that out. Flaming Lips wrote a song bout them too called "Free Radicals", must try and get this. Anyways, they had these puppets on stage, behind them, and they mimiked (*sp) everything the band did. Great show. Here's a wee vid, this is from Amsterdam so substitute the prostitutes and smoking weed for drinking beer, dancing riverdance style, trashing Radiohead's dressing room and pissing over their clothes.
Then came Radiohead (cool website check it out). I didn't really know how to feel about this gig. Before this most gigs I'd went to were either ones were I was definately gonna mosh (Manics, Metallica, Maiden etc) or actually buy a seating ticket and lie back and enjoy it (Counting Crows, Jamie Cullum, Jools Holland). This was sorta inbetweeny cos there ain't much dancing goes on to Radiohead songs. More like finding the nearest kitchen knife... and you know the rest. But nevertheless we perched ourselves right in front of the sound desk for optimum sound. To be honest I didn't know a lot of the stuff, I really only am familiar with Bends, Computer and would recognise tracks from Kid A. Anyways, they played what I really wanted them to play, Paranoid Android. But the best song of the night for me was Just. Was always one of my favourites of The Bends and didn't disappoint. Anyway, the gig was great, one were you stand mesmerised at the talent shown by all members of the band, and how they've had an impact on people's lives, whether they relate to the music, or it makes them feel happy that no matter how unhappy or depressed they are, they're not as depressed a big ole Thom...
And again, on Friday night the mighty reedstar tour continued in Newtownards. It's a crap photo I know, but it was with my phone and was the only one I took. If you look closely you can see Philly's new mascot Daffyd Thomas from Little Britain. Was a cool gig nonetheless, but more of a practice session. We rocked it out anyway. Think there were about 9 people there, but that included the sound men so that brings it down to 7. But as Neily said, be faithful in the small things, get ready for the big!
The person who is trustworthy in small matters is also trustworthy in great ones.. Luke 16v10
So We've just gotta trust in God, and that how ever WE felt about last nights gig, that it was part of God's plan. Who are we to argue?
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